Celebs Slam Donald Trump's Speech at Arizona Rally - Read Tweets!

Celebs Slam Donald Trump's Speech at Arizona Rally - Read Tweets!

Celebs are outraged by Donald Trump‘s speech at his “Make America Great Again” rally in Arizona.

The President of the United States held a campaign-style rally in Phoenix on Tuesday (August 22).

Trump defended his response to the violence in Charlottesville and once again slammed the media.

“What happened in Charlottesville strikes at the core of America. And tonight, this entire arena stands united against the thugs who perpetrate hatred and violence,” Trump said. “I strongly condemn neo-Nazis, white Supremacists and the KKK.”

Trump also went through all three of his statements, but he omitted the “both sides” comments when reading the statements to the Arizona crowd.

Read what celebs are saying about the speech below.

Click inside to read more tweets…

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