BBC boss reportedly accidentally forwards email criticising Vanessa Feltz

We’ve all done it, sent a text or an email to the wrong person or forgotten to take them off ‘CC.

Well there were some serious red faces at the BBC this week when a bigwig apparently forwarded a private email criticising one of the BBC’s biggest stars to EVERYONE on their team by mistake.

According to a report in The Sun, BBC boss David Robey thought he was forwarding a trailer to all staff when in reality he was sending an appraisal of Vanessa’s radio show that he said was “too slow” and “lacked personality.”

A supposed email was forwarded by a BBC bigwig criticising Vanessa Feltz (Credit: BBC)

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The email is also supposedly to have contained complaints that there was a “constant battle to get her to tighten up the pace” of her breakfast show.

It went on to say that while Vanessa preferred long interviews with guests, the BBC were keen to shake up the show and try “to create more time for her personality and interaction”.

Once David had realised his terrible faux pas, he is said to have begged staff to just delete the email without reading it – er, like that’s going to happen!

The producer apparently begged his staff to delete the email before reading it (Credit: C5)

Vanessa, who apparently earns almost £400, 000 a year at the BBC, has supposedly lost 50,000 listeners in the past year.

However, when the BBC were approached to comment about the incident by, they carefully didn’t acknowledge the shared email.

“We regularly review our output,” she explained.

The BBC say Vanessa is an asset to the company (Credit: BBC)

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“Vanessa is an award-winning presenter whose programmes have consistently delivered strong listening figures over many years.

“She is an asset to the station and we have every confidence in her.”

The Mirror also reports that the supposed email didn’t actually say Vanessa lacks personalty.


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