Anderson Cooper Takes Apart Trump's Lies One by One in Powerful Segment

The CNN anchor called his Phoenix rally a "77-minute airing of grievances."

Anderson Cooper minced no words on his show Wednesday, arguing that President Donald Trump acts liks "the world’s biggest victim, trapped inside the body of the world’s most powerful man."

He called Trump's campaign rally a "77-minute aring of grievances" in which the president told "outright lies." 

Cooper said the president had tried to "rewrite history" on Charlottesville, refusing to admit that he had blamed "many sides" for the neo-Nazi violence and outraged tens of millions of Americans in the process.

In addition these outright falsehoods, Cooper said the president "lied by omission" as well.

"You know what that is? That is the sound of the president lying again," Cooper responded to a clip of Trump claiming news cameras were turned off at his rally.

Watch the segments below:


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