Story Time: All For You — Episode 30, 31 & 32 (SEASON 2)

Click Here To Read Episode 26, 27 & 28

Michael opened his eyes slowly, allowing it to adjust to the bright room. Eyes completely opened he edged closer to the bed post. Rested his head on a silk white pillow. his stiches and the bandage on his waist were still very fresh. His body was on fire; set ablaze by crushing pains.

The last few days had been the worst of his life. Doctors came regularty to check his vitals. He was not permitted a view beyond the four cornered room. Beside being chained to bed, two armed men guard him round the clock.

He’d fall into the hands of a deep organization. He didn’t know how or who they were but he knew its a crime organization. The ethics was crystal clear; he never see same face twice. The guards were always changed….except the doctors whom he guessed were paid handsomely for their job.

Who is behind this? Why do they want him alive? Oh Jesus! Michael groaned loudly. He made noise stiring on the small sized bed. As he predicted, one of the guards walked up to him.

“i want to use the rest room” Michael quickly said. “его еще не раз” said the guard. “i don’t speak russian” sean lied feigning ignorance.

“its not yet time” the man translated. His intonation was poor.

Michael was silent for a moment. The guard mistook him for a russian. This meant something–he was on russian soil. How the hell?!

Michael sneezed on the guard. The man pouted his lips. His eyes red with anger.

“you don’t get an appology” michael said rudely.

The guard did not answer. He made hand signs to his partner. A man came into view. He was dressed in khaki trouser, black tight fitted shirt. He appeared like a red neck.

The men communicated in russian. The red neck placed his gun on a desk he then proceeded to uncuff Michael. One after the other he uncuffed both hands from opposite side of the bed. Michael got up slowly. The pain he felt was acute!

“i’ll take you there” said the man whose shirt was sneezed on.

“of course” michael replied politely. He shifted his gaze to a standing mirror beside the desk. What he saw was unbelievable.

He’d seen it twice, each time he did, it looked unreal to him. His face was changed. Without his consent! No permission was sort!

He touched his new face tenderly as raw anger surged through his veins. Whoever is responsible must pay!

“shall we, sir?” a guard asked interruptingly.

Michael could see a reflection of both guards. They stood several feets away. He swirled rapidly. He struck the armed guard a back kick while his hand reached for the gun on the desk.

There was a gun shot. It didn’t come from Michael. Michael had ducked in time. The bullet missed its target. Crouching under the desk, he shot twice. Directing both shell to the armed guard. His bullets didn’t miss.

Michael rolled out. He looked around the unarmed man was out of view. Just then a knife was thrown. It hit the wall behind Michael.

Michael shot in the direction the knife came from. The guard groaned loudly. The damage done! The man was taken out. Michael breathed deeply. He stood motionless for two seconds. Calculating the next move.

He had no idea what awaited him outside. The anger and pains he felt pushed him into opening the exit door. He met the unexpected. A team of soldiers stood in the next room. Guns all pointed to him.

“drop your weapon” a soldier said. Michael obeyed.

“i see you’re strong enough. Its time we have dinner” a familiar voice echoed from behind the soldiers. It was Evgeni.

The dinner dish outnumbered its beneficiaries. Michael and Evgeni alone were seated for the three course meal. Other men in the room were guards. Michael broke the unbearable silence, “where am i?” he asked.

“i was thinking your first question would be ‘what happened’”

“i still have my memory. I know everything except how the hell i got this face” he said pointing to his face.

“Plastic surgery” evgeni said “they wanted you dead. I spared you and gave you additional protection.

“protection?” michael paused and scoffed.

“why would someone like you give me protection?”

” you would thank me later. I want you to do something for me…get something from Nigeria”

“you think i’ll do that?”

“if you want to know the conspiracy behind the explosion”

“you were paid to kill me, you faked my death for your selfish ambition. I’ve thought about that” michael said.

“it roots deeper than that” Evgeni replied.

“i deserve an explanation!”

“not until you get my package. Its a ring, powerful one at that. I’ll forward the details to your email. Is it still active?”

“i guess so”


‘sir’ a tap jolted Michael from his reverie.

‘sorry sir. You seem lost in thoughts.’ said the man that tapped him.

‘bad memories’ Michael breathed.

‘i bought the phone as instructed’ the bell boy said. He placed a new cell phone on the desk, close to Michael’s hand.

‘i inserted a new sim as instructed’ the bell boy elaborated.

‘thanks. ‘you are most welcome sir’ the hotel bell boy said.

‘you can go. Keep the change’ sean said.

The bell boy left. Sean picked a piece of souvenir from the desk. Memories of his mother flashed his mind as he rolled the small material in his palm. He’d bought it from his mum’s shop. He didn’t reveal his identity to her. It isn’t the right time.

He inserted the flat material in his wallet. He left the hotel with his brief case. Evgeni had earlier on texted their meeting point. Sean drove in a cab to the warehouse. He paid the cab man and started towards the building.

He walked passed Evgeni’s men. Mentally counting their number. A warm smile creept on Evgeni’s lips. He inhaled his pipe and exhaled out a steam of smoke.

“do you have it?”

Michael replied with a gesture; he clenched his knuckle then raised it to his chest for Evgeni to see the ring.

The latter stretched his palm to the former.

‘not yet. We had a deal’ Michael said. ‘who is behind the bomb?’

‘the organization you last work for’ Evgeni replied.

‘who among them?’

‘all of them! The message was sent through a tall well muscled dude. I learnt his a top agent’

‘Abu?’ ‘exactly’

Michael removed the ring. He handed it to Evgeni who after exposing its flash end gave it to a computer operator. The young man inserted the flash in a designeted port on a laptop.

‘its authentic’ the operator said. ‘what are your plans’ Michael asked.

‘you better don’t know’ ‘i insist’ ‘you’ll be killed afterwards’ Evgeni said sternly. Sean nodded.

‘we are unifying a major part of the world in military technology’

‘you forgot to include transfer of deadly chemical weapons.

‘ i fear what the world would be if you succeed’ sean said ‘of course we would.’ sean heaved a sigh.

‘our discussion ends here. If any one hears of it, you’re dead’ Evgeni threatened. ‘you won’t find me’ sean replied.

Evgeni chuckled. ‘ how well do you trust your girlfriend?’

‘i trust no one. Those Nigerian men are your partners, you could have got the ring without getting me involved’ sean said.

‘there was a change of plans’ Evgeni replied.

‘i hope this would be the last we meet’ sean answered then started for the exit.

Few people walked through the corridor but none entered the particular ward Evgeni and his men were. Now yards away from the ward, Sean tapped his digital wrist watch. He clicked ‘activate’

The laptop gave a warning beep as ‘digital bomb insertion’ blinked in red on its screen. ‘boss its a bomb’ the young operator cried.


There was a loud explosion from behind. Sean turned his head to the back.

‘thats for my face’ he whispered.

He retrieved the new cell phone then dailed the local police and fire service. Informing both of the explosion. He dumped the cellphone in a public trash can. He flagged down a cab which took him back to the hotel

 Episode 31 

The opening ceremony was superb! Guests from all walks of life; politicians, prominent business and a host of many others were present to grace the occassion. So far, it had been bublee.

Three entertainers; two musicians, a comedian had performed excellently on stage. The trails of their entertainment still evident on the smiling faces. Gabriel had smiled a little. He didn’t laugh like a fool.

Inaudible voices emanating from the audience died down shortly after the event hosts came back on stage. ‘alright. Ladies and gentlemen its time for the major event of the day!!!’ the male host said, smiling gleefully. His masculine voice well pitched by his head-worn mic. ‘precisely. Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together as the CEO of ‘amazing wines’ steps
forward to unveil the latest brand’ said the hostess.

‘Mr. Jude dominic!’ the host completed. ‘i can’t wait to have a taste of another amazing wine’ ‘i just can’t get enough of the judean wines’ the host replied in a relatively low tone.

They vacated the stage for Jude. Soft music blended with endless applauses filled the air as the young CEO stepped on stage. The stage lights swapped; Blue rays ejected from its source, directing its rays to the west.

In the same vain green rays shot from the west to the east. Making the hall darker than it was five minutes ago.

Gabriel rose from his seat. Its time he took advantage of the gloomy stage lights before Jude end his speech and the lights are revamped to ideal brightness. He felt the weight of his gun.

Assured that its in place, he advanced towards a lady clad in blue dinner gown. His heart beat tripled. Balls of sweat formed on his forehead. For the past hour, he hadn’t got closd to Jude. This was his chance! Jude’s was wing was occupied to the brim, by a selected few. He’d kept tabs on a particular lady in the wing. He’d figured she’s a lone lady who love to rub
shoulder’s with the ‘big boys’ . She would be his pathway to the wing.

Five minutes ago he’d watch her walk out of the hall. Maybe to a restroom, to receive or make a call or anything. He don’t care to know. She was returning to the wing. He doubled his pace. Brushed two tables and ran into three toddlers in his hot
stealthy pursuit. Finally he caught up with her. He purposely ran a shoulder into her. The diversion was needed for him to remove his gun carefully, rapidly.

‘watch it. Psycho!’ the lady blurted. ‘sorry miss. I’m lost.

Think you can help me out?’ Gabriel said politely. Unfortunately the lady was still mad. ‘is that an apology?

Manner-less terk’ she replied. She began walking away. He let her move three steps then grabbed her arm. She tried freeing herself but his grip was tight. He stepped two pace closer. Half covered her from possible watchers.

‘let me go!’ her voice this time was louder. Gabriel looked around rapidly. She’d drew some attention. He could see a male figure, perhaps a guard walking towards them. He pushed the gun barrel into her stomach. He stood in position such that the gun wouldn’t be obvious tmwn anyone. The lady gasped. He let go her arm. Gun pointed to her. He placed a finger on
his lip, signalling silence.

‘from now i’m in control. You do as i say’ he whispered.

The lady breath in for a duration longer than normal. Obviously shaken by unmeasurable fear.

‘if i don’t?’ she managed to ask. ‘i’ll shoot. The gun’s silenced, it would sound like a deep romantic cough. Your dress would be drenched by your own blood. I’ll drag you out like a drunk girlfriend who spilled red wine on her dress. Only you would know what happened but you can’t speak. You would die slowly, painfully’ Gabriel intimidated. He’d recited those lines perfectly. They weren’t his, they were Michael’s–he’d read it from Michael’s diary sometime ago.

He looked over his head. Some attentions have been diverted albeit the supposed guard was closing in.

‘i’ll scream!’ she whispered back. For a moment Gabriel thought his words made no effect on her. On the contrary, he saw a short lived fear in her eyes. She is only proving stubborn.

‘it would be useless because i’ll scream louder. We would be thrown outside’ Gabriel replied.

The man got tn them. He was truly a guard as defined by his uniform and night stick.

‘pretend you’re my girlfriend’ Gabriel whispered in her ears. ‘whats going on here?’ the guard asked.

The lady looked at Gabriel then returned her gaze to the guard.

 Episode 32 


Ciara stepped out of the black 2009 model camry. She took off the white eye glass perched on her nose. Folded it delicately. She inhaled deeply. She looked up, feigning an ignorant stranger.

‘city building department’ she read aloud the inscription atop the storey building. She was in the right place, not exactly at the right time for its way past 7pm. She silently hoped to find overtime workers. With that conviction she walked her way into the building. Her auburn hair bouncing softly on the simple suit she wore.

Contractors use blue prints to guide construction process. Blue prints show the flow plan, electric connection, plumbing system. She is interested in the floor plans of colonel Kassim’s mansion. The col. Mansion was heavily guarded by government guards. Tactically its dangerous stealing blindly in a house you know nothing of. Her case was more severe; she didn’t know what she would be looking for or where its kept. She knew something is kept somewhere. Something that would lead them to hidden information about the underworld arms transfer and the information missing in the ring.

The blue prints would would be of eminent help. Just like a map for a mine field.

The law contractors are required to include a copy of the blue prints when they apply for building permits with the municipal building department.

A building as famous as kassim’s mansion definitely has a space in the department’s record.

The building was deserted. Offices were under lock and key. Ciara did not thought it strange. The average working limit was 4pm.

In her 1km unparallel walk, she’d encountered five persons. Four were security men. One was an overtime worker. The glint of hope kindled in her died when he told her he had no business with the blue prints departfnt.

Under directives of a patrol guard, she strode to block 4—which was where building permits are issued.

She walked past the first office. Second. Third. Nothing. All locked! She stopped walking for half a second. Heaved a sigh. She must get the blue prints at all cost. The polite approach wasn’t working any more. She would try a more effective way.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

She removed a pen torch from her hand bag. Flashing it on the door beside her. Its lock was euro profile cylinder. Easy to snap.

She inserted a hand deeper into the bag. Came out with a portable screw driver.

She heard a strangely familiar sound exactly when she was about damaging the door’ lock.

She leaned on the wall. Immobile. Her ear on acute alert.

The sound came again. It was a ‘click’. Someone was fixing a magazine or most a night view to a gun. Ciara thought. The sound had emanated from the room behind. She stepped back. Silently. Instictively. She stretched her upper body towards a window.

For a moment she could see a lamp stand in the office. She edged closer. A second squint offered her a larger view. Someone was operating computer. She had been wrong about the sound! It rather came from clicks on keypads. The quiet night had so pitched it above normal.

She drew back to the door. Knocked it twice. It opened after her third knock. A young man came into view. He grabbed the door to himself. Obstructing any further view of the office.

‘hi’ he forced a fake smile.

‘hey’ she replied returning his smile.

‘you are here for…’ the young man paused. Expecting her to complete the statement.

‘may i come in, please?’

he was silent for few seconds while staring at her suspiciously.

‘i’m harmless’ she blurted with a smile.

He ushered her in. She sat opposite him, on a leather chair.

‘i was told i would find you here’ Ciara said.

He raised his brows. Ciara interpreted it as a sign of confusion. She might have taken the wrong move. He could be a theive.
She chose her next words wisely.

‘why? Don’t you do this always’

‘i was wondering who told you. As far as i remember, i didn’t tell anyone i was working over time. I don’t do it always’

‘i guess fate made you work overtime today’ ciara said.


‘look, i need blue prints of a certain house. Its urgent’

‘come tomorrow’

‘i can’t. I know i should have booked or something…i don’t know your ethics here. I’m an engineer. Work for a german company. Our company was given a contract of re-wiring and cross-examining the electric system of a particular house. Hot cake is i need to send the blue print to my boss before he leaves germany’

‘its nightfall already. He would understand’

‘its not night in Germany’ ciara replied. ‘i see. What mansion are we talking about’ ‘belongs to one colonel kassim’ she pronounced the name with so much foreign accent. The man had to repeat after her to be sure.

He opened the data base and inputed some data. Minutes later the blue print was sent to her device. She gave him some money after he’d told her why he was working overtime



‘please excuse me’ Juf said. Putting on an official smile.

‘go ahead, pick your call’ Gabriel replied.

Jude answered the call. He spoke in a lowered voice.

‘good acting. I want to see more’ Gabriel whispered into the lady’s ear.

She was silent. He flapped the barrel of his gun on her lap. She forced a smile. He grinned. Jude ended his phone conversation. He coughed.

‘sorry for the distraction. As we were saying….my company would like to do business with glint glow. Though i still have my reservations. You know, you are very experienced in the game’ Jude winked.

‘i too would love to partner with you herr Jude. Unfortunately glint glow is keeping check of her partners due to the prevailing economic overturn.’ gabriel paused then said ‘in the back door, we trade cool italian sport cars. But I don’t think amazing wines would be interested’

Gabriel knew Jude was into illegal business with luxurious cars. It was the dirty little secret behind the youngster’s growing wine company.

Jude lowered his head. He spoke in a whisper. ‘do you have any in Nigeria? I would love to see. Who knows i might buy a dozen’

‘of course. Will tomorrow be convinient?’ Gabriel asked. Happy that he’d gained Jude’s trust….to some extent. The question is how would he get fleet of cars in less than 24hours?

‘yes. Perfect’ jude replied.

Both men speak for a while. The lady contributed where Gabriel felt she needed to. Minutes later the event was over. Gabriel led the lady out, gun pointed to her bach. His gun was masked with a napkin. Once outside the lady asked for freedom.

‘not yet. You are still useful’ was his reply. ‘you are an animal!’ she said angrily.

‘shut up and get in the car!’

she had no option but to comply.

‘this is kidnap. You would pay for it, by law’ she said as she sat beside him. Gabriel ignored her. He started the car engine.

They drove in silence to a nearby hotel he’d previously booked.

No sooner did they step in room 205 that Gabriel fell asleep on a couch. The lady rose from bed. She tiptoed towards the door. She opened it. The door was locked.

She looked over at Gabriel. Her eyes searching for keys. She didn’t find it. But she saw something more interesting–his gun!

She silently took it from his side. Careful not to wake him. Gabriel stirred. She gasped. She breathed out in relieve when he went back to sleep. He hadn’t noticed!

She stared at the gun. ‘good i know how to use this’ she whispered.

She held the gun with both hands. Pointed the barrel to his head. Her palms became suddenly sweaty. Her hands shaky as she pulled the trigger

To Be Continued Tomorrow… Watch Out!

  This story is an exclusive work of the author, Invincible. Any resemblance to real events and/or people is absolutely coincidental. The story is 100% fiction. No part of this may be reproduced or copied to any website without the permission of the writer. All rights reserved. Copyright © Invincible 2016. You can contact author via Email: Isaiahatabo4(at)

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Story Time: All For You — Episode 30, 31 & 32 (SEASON 2)

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