Emmerdale SPOILER: Chrissie KILLS Lawrence?

Emmerdale’s Chrissie White has a tendency to act first think later and it looks like that flaw could be fatal to her father Lawrence later this week.

Always one to act on impulse, like the time she covered up for her son Lachlan shooting Lawrence by framing Andy for it, oh, and the time she set fire to husband Robert Sugden’s car, which caused an explosion big enough to bring down a helicopter and kill Ruby Haswell and Val Pollard, Chrissie once again might find herself regretting her rash actions.

Chrissie has acted on impulse before – and ended up in court before (Credit: ITV)

Read more: Emmerdale Lachlan kidnaps his great uncle

As far as Chrissie is concerned, her uncle, Tim Richards, is actually her new love interest ‘Simon’. So she’s slightly confused when she discovers ‘Simon’ bound and gagged on her property this week.

It turns out, Lachlan has kidnapped Tim to stop him telling Chrissie the truth about who he really is, and what Lawrence did to Tim’s brother, Chrissie’s real father, John.

Lachlan and his sidekick Gerry are the baddest lads in town (Credit: ITV)

But it’s not long before the whole sorry tale is coming out of a rescued Tim’s mouth and a distraught Chrissie doesn’t know who to believe or what to think. Sounds like exactly the right mix of emotions that might make someone lash out…

While Chrissie tries to get her head around the truth about Lawrence’s actions against her dad, Lawrence’s lover, Ronnie, who’s all set for a big move with his other half to St Ives, makes a huge decision that will change everything (and we’re sure means the move won’t go ahead).

Everything she thought was real isn’t – we’re not sure why she’s surprised! (Credit: ITV)

Lawrence is distraught as he loses his grip on everything, but the resulting showdown with Chrissie is what he should be really worried about.

She’s mad, and she wants answers, and when the man who brought her up fails to deny the accusations Tim is levelling against him, there’s every chance Chrissie could lash out.

While Emmerdale are remaining tight-lipped about what happens exactly, we know the big confrontation results in (yet another) hospital dash for Lawrence where he ends up fighting for his life (yet again).

Lawrence is in trouble when Chrissie finds out the truth – deadly trouble (Credit: ITV)

Read more: Emmerdale: Is this the start of Lachlan’s murderous rampage?

He’s had so many trips to Hotten General, at some point one of them has got to be the big man’s last. Is this it?

Has his dodgy ticker given out finally with all the stress? Or has Chrissie killed again? Has she hit out, and caused the death of the man who killed her dad?

Will this spark (yet another) cover up? Or will she confess and go to prison for her crimes this time?

There’s also been speculation Lawrence’s death could be the start of Lachlan’s murderous rampage.

With the whole White clan reported to be leaving the Dales, it looks like this really is the beginning of the end for them all – one way or another.

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