EastEnders permanent return date for Linda Carter CONFIRMED
Earlier this week ED! confirmed that Whitney Carter was returning to EastEnders next week with a glam new look and an engagement ring on her finger.
As she gets her feet back under the table at The Vic, it begs the question: when will Linda return for the inevitable showdown with the woman who kissed her husband?
Well, it’s been revealed it won’t be long, she’ll be hot on Whitney’s heels and will make her return to the Square for good on Monday August 7.
She’s back, but will we get the answers we’re looking for? (Credit: BBC)
It’s a jolly good job because there are more than a few questions we want answering.
Linda initially had to disappear from our screens while actress Kellie Bright had her second child, Gene, with her husband Paul Stocker.
The character headed off on Christmas Eve after receiving the call that her mum, Elaine, had had a stroke. Linda’s been caring for her ever since, but she’s popped back for a few guest appearances every now and then.
The last time she was seen, we found out a shocking secret: Elaine was fully recovered and completely fine. So why was Linda lying about needing to care for her for so long?
Elaine’s fine – so why has Linda been lying? (Credit: BBC)
Read more: EastEnders Steven forced into a shock confession
Meanwhile, Mick’s really fallen apart while his missus has been gone. The family’s financial problems saw them crumbling and eventually Shirley – with a little help from Linda – sold The Vic out from under him so he no longer owns the freehold of his boozer.
Mick had a complete meltdown when he found out what had gone on and ended up making a move on Whitney, who was only too happy to reciprocate having moped around after him like a puppy dog for months.
Whitney was only too happy to jump into Mick’s arms (Credit: BBC)
The liaison resulted in Shirl chucking Whitney out, and as far as we were aware, she’s been staying with her brother Ryan in Yorkshire.
Though apparently that’s not where she’s been at all, and when Whit returns with new red hair and a killer new wardrobe, she reveals she’s engaged – to Woody!
Woody was the bar manager who Mick punched when he caught him in bed with Whitney. It seems since her exit, the pair have been spending a lot of time together and realised they’re best suited as man and wife! They don’t hang about, do they?!
“I’m engaged!” How does Mick really feel about Whit’s news? (Credit: BBC)
Read more: EastEnders: Whitney returns and she’s getting married to a very familiar face
Speculation had been rife that Linda and Woody had been having an affair and that was the real reason she’d stayed away so long and lied about her mum still being sick. Does Whitney’s engagement to the cocky lad mean that theory isn’t true?
Or have the pair teamed up to split Mick and Linda so they can each have one of them for themselves? (All these theories are getting complicated, aren’t they?!)
Have Whitney and Linda been in contact while they’ve both been gone? Does Linda already know what went on with her husband and her daughter-in-law?
Or will Mick be compelled into making a confession when he sees his wife?
We know EastEnders are planning one of their epic three-hander episodes once the truth comes out, so it looks like that will be sooner rather than later.
Can the Carters repair their marriage? And, almost more importantly, can they pull together to save The Vic?
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