Saying no to racism
THE colour, black, signifies elegance, strength and aggressiveness.
Being black has its positive and negative sides, just like any other thing in this world.
But why are black peoplealways treated badly by other races?
As a boy, I once sat down in an encamped corner of our house, pondering the question why being a black person often inevitably signifies danger, death and mystery in many places, particularly in the West.
But as I grew older, I discovered that due to our strength and special ability to persevere and endure, we are being used as slaves.
Why are we Africans treated as secondary citizens in this world?
Black people are constantly subjected to racism, xenophobia and other harmful practices by the so-called better beings.This is injustice to the Africans. Martin Luther King once said: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
I would like everyone to put himself or herself in the shoes of a runaway, disturbed and rejected African.
How does it feel? Black people were never given the chance to choose their colour: we are simply a creation of God.
Let us all see the positivity and goodness in the black person. Let’s say no to racism. One Africa, one world.
Adekola Ponmile
The post Saying no to racism appeared first on Tribune.
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